Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Voices from Mississippi

Been a while since I've blogged but I have to say something about this video--which recently appeared on the Bill Maher show. It shows, among other things, Mississippians talking about President Barack Obama.

You know what the scarey part of this is? If Maher's videographer had taken her camera to parts of South Carolina or North Carolina, she'd probably have come up with the same kind of venom.

I happened to see this video the other night while, coincidentally, trying to come up with a discussion idea for my class in Media Writing. As it so happens, the class at this juncture in the semester is focused on "multicultural sensitivity"--the idea that the press ought not to unfairly stereotype, insult, or belittle, those that it covers.

Is Bill Maher's roaming videographer crossing the line of good taste and sensitivity? You be the judge. Here's the video:

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