Tuesday, September 11, 2007

TTT#1 (about geeky digital stuff

TTT #1 (Timbs' Top Tip #1)--about Geeky digital stuff

I've been reading "Journalism 2.0: How to Survive and thrive--A Digital Literacy Guide for the Information Age," by Mark Briggs

From time to time, I'll share key points from that publication. Some of these you may already know; others will be a refresher on what you think you know.

Here's TTT #1:

1. The larger the file size, the longer it takes to download over the Net.

2. Bits and bytes (each byte has 8 bits) are key units of measure for digital info.

When we talk about bytes, remember:

Kilobyte is roughly 1,000 bytes

Megabyte is roughly 1 million bytes

Gigabyte is roughly 1 billion bytes

Terabyte is roughly 1 trillion bytes

Then we have a petabyte, which is the equivalent of 250 billion pages of text; or imagine a 2,000-mile-high tower of 1 billion diskettes!

Key point to remember: You should NEVER send an e-mail with an attachment larger than 1MB, or you will clog your server and the server of the person you are sending it to. Instead, burn such a large file on a disk or upload it to an FTP server (more about this later.)

Enough for now.


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