Tuesday, March 15, 2016

NPR assignment

I gave this NPR assignment in class yesterday (March 14). Here it is, just in case...

Guidelines: NPR is an important part of the radio industry. If you haven't listened to NPR, you are definitely missing out!

For this assignment, listen to TWO podcasts from the following programs on NPR. Your choice on which two podcasts you choose. It could be two from Prairie Home Companion. Or it could be one from Prairie Home Companion and one from Car Talk, etc.

You will be writing about the podcasts you listened to.

Here are your choices (and where you can Google them):

1. This American Life podcast

2. Car Talk podcast

3. Prairie Home Companion podcast (then click on SoundCloud).

4. Fresh Air podcast

Choose your two podcasts, listen to them, then write about them.

For your paper, which you can write in first person, address the following (for each of your chosen NPR podcasts)

A. What did you listen to and for how long?

B Describe or summarize the content of the podcast you listened to.

C. What did you like about this podcast?

D. What did you dislike (if anything) and what would be an area for improvement you would suggest for the creator of this NPR program?

E. What did you learn about NPR from listening to this podcast?

F. Would you listen again to an NPR podcast of this program? Why or why not?

Your paper must be typed (double-spaced) 2-3 pages. The deadline is the start of our class on Monday, March 21. No emails or attachments will be accepted. I want a hard copy by that deadline. I may call on a few of you that day to share your experience from listening to these NPR podcasts.

Criteria for grading:

1. Short graphs very much preferred
2. Mechanical perfection in grammar, spelling and sentence structure
3. The extent to which you followed the guidelines for this assignment. Did you address all the required questions?
4. The extent to which you took this assignment seriously. Done or thrown together at the last minute? Or thoughtfully written? I will be able to tell.
5. Meeting the assignment deadline

Ok. Here, by the way, is a taste of Prairie Home Companion. Turn up your sound and enjoy!

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