Saturday, June 27, 2015

Amazing Grace

Some folks took issue with President Barack Obama singing "Amazing Grace" yesterday at the funeral of the recently slain senator from Charleston.

But I thought our president deserved an "A+"

I have said this before: No one can hold a crowd like President Obama. No one can connect so skillfully, so closely.

And that's what he did yesterday afternoon in Charleston.

The conclusion of his eulogy for Senator Clementa Pinckney was truly amazing.

And beautiful.

And solemn.

And stirring.

And spiritual.

Yesterday at that service he was more preacher and gospel singer than president. Many of those who heard his words were hurting, grieving, devastated--their families ripped apart by a cold-blooded killer. These same families had offered healing grace to the one who so heinously killed their loved ones, and President Obama's singing was in that spirit.

I loved his rendition of "Amazing Grace."

In case you missed it, here's the clip:

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