We've had a BIG couple of news days this week, to say the least.
First we learn about a scandal involving Gov. Mark Sanford of South Carolina.
Seems Sanford had a "tryst" (word the media uses) with a lovely woman in Argentina.
Ok, that stays on the news front burner for all of two days.
Then, off the burner it goes (sort of), because Michael Jackson, the King of Pop, died yesterday. News of his mysterious death (still under investigation) is consuming the media.
And it SHOULD consume journalists. Michael was WEIRD beyond belief, but wow, the man could sing and dance and entertain.
Was he black? White? Man? Woman?
Who really cares, now that I think about it.
Michael Jackson, cultural icon, may have been sent to us from another planet. One like him comes along but once in a lifetime.
(I'm humming his song "Billie Jean" as I write this.)Click on the Billie Jean hotlink to enjoy his music video.
Farewell, Michael. We loved you even though we never understood who or what you were.
But back to beleagered Gov. Sanford, now moving off the front pages because of the death of the King of Pop.
Who was deliriously happy when news broke that Michael Jackson died?
It had to be Sanford.
Think about it. He's now on pg. 2, and MJ is dominating pg. 1.
Such is news and the world of journalism. It's a world with a very short attention span.
hey Larry, Mlchael, Farrah Fawcett, and Billy Mays all died.see you soon Larry
Yes, Blake. People are dying that have never died before!
Must be the season of death.
As strange as it sounds, I think Samford got a little lucky when his story got put on the back burner.
It was indeed a crazy week in news!
His wife now says she's taking him back.
Forgiveness is worth a lot these days.
She (his wife) must really love him unconditionally.
Thought that kind of love only manifested itself in animals.
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