By Larry Timbs
Composed on June 5, 2009
It began in early June.
Four families, 18 people, yearning for "down time" and the romance of the dune.
There was Patsy and Larry, and John and Rachel, and Clint and Shannon, just to mention a few.
And don't forget Jessie, Samantha, Little Hank, Taylor and Hanna.
They, with Blake and Weston, traveled to an island near Savannah.
It was an enchanting place they all wanted to go.
The locals called it Edisto.
There, all 18 of us had a grand time.
(Did I mention, by the way, that Dr. Joe, his wife Trish and their three kids helped us toe the line?)
We played. We swam. We romped in the ocean. We swapped lies.
Everything seemed quite fine.
In the evenings, after hours in the sun and bouncing about in the waves and picking up shells,
We all settled in to rest, eat, watch TV and catch up on a few tall tales.
All of this we did in our grand beach house of pink.
It had everything--five bathrooms, five bedrooms, five TVs, and, of course, more than one kitchen sink.
The house, a palace, was called SEArenity.
It definitely was the best of the lot in the vicinity.
Our evening meals were delightful.
We had chicken and rice, steak and salad and juicy, scrumptious burgers that were fat and frightful.
We ate till we couldn't move.
With such delicious food, who wouldn't hit their groove?
One day, during brunch
Our whole bunch went to Charleston--just on a hunch.
Some toured an aircraft carrier.
Others shopped at the downtown market.
Whatever we did, whereever we went, it couldn't have been merrier.
Our last day at the beach was Friday.
That day, among the choppy waves and the masses
The oldest among us, his silver hair glistening, lost his sunglasses.
Kids and adults searched with their eyes and probed with their feet,
But it was all to no avail.
The sea had swallowed those glasses,
And maybe, just maybe, they were in the belly of a whale.
As the week drew to a close
It was all we could do to bid adios.
But alas all good things must come to an end.
Even the magic of Edisto--the sun and the sea and the wind
Would soon be but a cherished summer memory.
Here we had come to play and swim and to pick up shells and rocks
And even to recover from the chicken pox.
So farewell Edisto.
It was great warm fun on this island enchanted.
For sure, we love you Edisto, and we'll never take you for granted.
:) This made me smile.
Thanks, Kathleen. Hope it's going well for you in Laurens this summer.
Hey larry ice poem we had a very good time at edisto.
Yes, as the old saying goes, Blake, a good time was had by all!
Wonderful! I hope to experience much of the same... minus the missing sunglasses and chicken pox. Edisto is a place to restore the soul - something we all need from time to time. Thanks for making me look forward to it THAT MUCH MORE! :)
Restorative is an apt way to describe this island, Beth.
And if the ambience of the island doesn't do the trick, drop in at Edisto's only grocery store--the Piggly Wiggly.
Worth cultural event credit!
Wow, Dr. Timbs!
I had no idea you were such a talented poet! It was quite exciting to read about your trip! It seems like you guys all had a blast! And the fact that ALL of you had the chance to go at the same time seems to be a miracle in and of itself! I hope your summer continues to be as good. BTW, are you back at WU? I was driving by Wednesday and thought I saw you outside of Johnson with some students.
Still in the mtns.
Thanks for your comment (as always).
Nice that you continue reading and responding.
Long live the blogosphere!
Meant to also say, Beauty 4 Ashes, good luck on quitting smoking!
You can do it. You WILL do it!
And you'll feel so much better for having quit!
Indeed, "Long live the blogosphere!" lol You silly :0P
Thank you for the encouragement re the not smoking. I've done it before and have done it again, so far. (One week today,now.)
It's been one week today and years ahead! I think you know how it goes: I am weak but the Lord [in me] is strong!!
Sola Deo Gloria!
Parts of this made me giggle. Especially the SEArinity part haha. I love reading your blog, Dr. Timbs! It always puts me in a good mood :)
Larry,this was truly one of the best vacations for the Robinsons. We'll have to do it again sometime.
Well, the old blogster truly appreciates everyone's comments on our beach vacation. It was one for the records!
Amanda: One week of progress behind you and another week to go. Take it one week at a time. You can do it!
Jessica: Glad to know you are dialed in! Hope your summer is going well and that you, too, will find time to visit the beach.
Shannon: So nice to get a comment from you. I'm honored to be your inlaw. You have two great kids!
Thanks to all of you for reading and posting.
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