Haven't posted in awhile, so these will be random thoughts.
1. Quote of the week (seen scribbled on a note at my daughter's home in Durham, N.C.):
"When you're going through hell...just keep going!" (Churchill, I think).
2. Quote from my dad: "Everything on TV is fake except for wrestling."
3. We've heard and read a lot about road rage, but what about ATM (as in automatic bank teller machine) rage? In Rock Hill, S.C., a few weeks ago (on an otherwise peaceful Saturday at about 10 a.m.) I waited in line, in my VW Beetle, for my turn at the Wachovia ATM machine just off the Celanese Bypass (near Dunkin Donuts.) Two cars were in front of me, but immediately in front of me (sandwiched between the two cars and me) stood a man on foot (not in his car) waiting for his turn at the ATM. Behind me was a man in a car (also waiting his turn.)
The man on foot, in blue jeans and a tee shirt and wearing a baseball cap, seemed to be in his mid 30s. The man behind me, in his car, appeared to be about 70.
I wouldn't have particularly noticed their ages, except for this: The motorist behind me began yelling angrily at the man standing and waiting his turn at the ATM--words to the effect of "Who the F do you think you are--out here standing like that??! You can't be here without a car. You're bothering me! Get the F out of here right now!"
The young guy tried to ignore him, but to no avail. The elderly guy kept ranting and demanding that the young guy leave.
The young man said something, but I couldn't discern it. (At that point, I rolled up my windows and locked my doors, wondering what would happen next...)
Finally the man (the one not in a car) got up to the machine, got his cash and turned to walk away, and that's when I heard this from behind me:
Yes, pure hatred and anger erupted that otherwise peaceful Saturday morning at the ATM machine in Rock Hill.
What made that old guy so out of sorts?
What on earth and in the name of God did the young man do that so infuriated the outraged soul behind me?
Why do people lose it so easily and for nothing?
What price a man's temper and intolerance?
ATM rage at the Wachovia bank near Dunkin Donuts on Celanese Road in Rock Hill. Brace yourself for it.
This is why I never frequent Rock Hill since I graduted more than 2 years ago... it's a whole different of world down there.
I give a high five to the 30-something male for doing the walk up ATM instead of polluting Mother Earth with all of a vehicle's (especially an idling vehicle at that) toxic greenhouse gases.
Hope you're enjoying your summer Timbs!
Thanks, Tiffany, and I don't blame you for not visiting. Sad to say that but, yes, some mean people live in R.H.
Thanks for reading and commenting. Best of the summer for you and yours.
That is very unreasonable that the older man got so upset. Maybe he had driven up and saw a couple of cars and thought, "Ah, not a very long line." Then he saw...the man standing and he though, "Aw, man now I have to wait longer."
Haha actually I have no idea, but I don't blame you locking your doors! I would have too! Rock Hill can be sooo scary sometimes haha. I've almost seen four wrecks happen within 5 minutes at the gas station right across the street from Walgreens.
good LORD. send an awakening.
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