1808-B Ebenezer Rd.
Rock Hill, S.C. 29732
Phone: 803-323-4533
Blog: Date: March 2010
POSITION: Associate Professor since 1993, Department of Mass Communication, Winthrop University, Rock Hill, S.C. 29733
EDUCATION:1989 Ph.D. University of Iowa School of Journalism and Mass Communication, Iowa City, Iowa; title of dissertation: “Publisher Influence Outside the Newsroom: An Examination of the Power of the Chief Executive of the Press in the Local Community.”
1977 M.A. University of South Carolina, Columbia, S.C.; (Journalism) title of thesis:“How South Carolina Legislators Perceive Coverage of State Government in the Weekly Press.”
1972 B.A. Christopher Newport College of the College of William and Mary (English), Newport News, Va.
EXPERIENCE:1985-present Associate Professor, Department of Mass Communication, Winthrop University, Rock Hill, S.C. Tenured in May 1991. Promoted to associate professor in May 1993.
1981-1985 Half-time instructor and Ph.D. candidate, School of Journalism and Mass Communication, University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa
1975-1981 Reporter, news editor, editor and general manager for newspapers owned by Landmark Community Newspapers, Inc., Shelbyville, Ky. Significant professional experience in reporting, writing, editing, photography, advertising, circulation, newspaper design and layout, and community newspaper management; winner of numerous writing awards in state press association contests.
1966-1969 Vietnam era veteran, U.S. Air Force, Aircraft control and warning, Texas, Mississippi, Virginia, Philippines (Honorable discharge)
RESEARCH INTERESTS:Power of the press, community and civic journalism, journalism education, collegiate press, ethical and legal issues in mass communication, freedom of information, media technology, blogging, Web resources for journalists, newsroom diversity, intellectual property rights, travel journalism, press coverage of mental illness/mental health, on-line instruction, freelance writing.
COURSES TAUGHT AT WINTHROP UNIVERSITY:Media Writing, News Editing, Feature Writing, Reporting Public Affairs, Law and Ethics, Academic Internship, Critical Issues Symposium, Community and Civic Journalism, Power of the Press (special topics course), Introduction to Mass Communication, Advertising Copy and Layout, Advertising Principles, Travel Writing, Publications Production, The Human Experience: Who Am I?
PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION MEMBERSHIPS:S.C. Press Association (Collegiate Division Committee)
Society of Professional Journalists (Freedom of Information Committee)
Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication
National Newspaper Association
S. C. Academy of Science
Carolinas Communication Association
PRESENTATIONS OF PROFESSIONAL PAPERS AND RESEARCH (2000-PRESENT):Presenter, with Dr. Guy Reel and Mr. W.T. "Dub" Massey, of panel session titled "Civil Rights in the South: Local News Coverage of the Friendship Nine," at the AEJMC Southeast Colloquium, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, March 12, 2010.
Presenter of panel session titled "Social Media in the Teaching of Journalism and Communication" at the annual conference of the Carolina Communications Association, Wilmington, N.C., Sept. 25, 2009. (Dr. Guy Reel and integrated marketing communication majors Ryan Drumwright and Jai Jones helped in preparing this panel session.)
Invited speaker for Suicide Prevention Awareness Week at the Mountain Home Veterans Administration Medical Center in Johnson City, Tenn., Sept. 11, 2009. Title of 50-minute speech: "Out of the Depths and Shadows of Depression and Into the Sunlight: Reconnecting With Life."
Research presentation, with Dr. Guy Reel and Ms. Christy Mullins, at the Student Engagement, Excellence, & Development Conference, Winthrop University, Rock Hill, S.C., March 14, 2009. Title of presentation: "Campus Newspapers and Diverse Perpectives: Managing Tensions Through Campus Partnerships."
Research presentation, with Dr. Guy Reel, Ms. Judy Watts, Ms. Christy Mullins and Ms. India Richardson, at the Carolinas Communication Association Annual Conference, Columbia, S.C., Oct. 4, 2008. Title of presentation: "Cracking the Glass Ceiling: From Winthrop College (Where The White Flower Maidens of the South Once Came To Study Teaching, Homemaking and Agriculture) To Winthrop University in 2008 (Where Gender And Racial Diversity, Technology And New Media Thrive In A Mass Communication Department For The 21st Century)."
Research presentation, with Dr. Guy Reel and Ms. Gena Smith, at the Society of Professional Journalists Region 3 Conference at the University of South Carolina, Columbia, S.C., March 28, 2008. Title of presentation: “Covering Students With Disabilities: A Case Study Project At Winthrop University.” (Also titled in SPJ Region 3 Spring Conference announcement as: “Specialty Reporting Case Study.”)
Research presentation, with Dr. Guy Reel, at the Annual Regional Conference of the Carolinas Communications Association, Boone, S.C., Sept. 29, 2007. Title of presentation: “Cyber Dissident Bloggers: Promoting Civil and Human Rights.”
Author of research paper, with Doug Fisher and Will Atkinson. Title: “How America’s Community Newspapers Handle (Or Don’t Handle) Their ‘Digital Attics’: An Investigation Into Ethical, Legal and Privacy Issues Emerging From Publications’ Web Archives.” Presented, with Doug Fisher, at the Newspapers and Community-Building Symposium XIII, National Newspaper Association Annual Convention, Norfolk, Va., September 27, 2007. Published and now available on the Web site of the Huck Boyd Center for Community Media-Kansas State University at:,%20Larry%20-%20Digital%20Attics.pdf
Above paper also published in Grassroots Editor, Volume, 48, No. 4, Winter 2007, pp. 11-18.
Presentation of “Some Newspapers In America Are “Getting It”—Switching From News And Information As Lecture To conversation: Insights From Journalist Bloggers About What They Do, How They Do It and Why,” April 20, 2007, Research presented at the April 20, 2007, Annual Meeting of the South Academy of Science, Airport Campus of Midlands Technical College, Columbia, S.C. (Abstract of presentation published in the Bulletin of the South Carolina Academy of Science, Volume LXIX, 2007, pp. 119-120.)
Author of “Some Community Newspapers In America Are “Getting It”—From Information As Lecture to Information As Conversation: Insights From Journalist Bloggers About What They Do, How They Do It and Why,” published on the Web site of the Huck Boyd Center for Community Media, Kansas State University. Also re-titled as “America’s Community Newspapers Go Digital: Insights From Journalist Bloggers Working in Hometown, America.” and presented at the Newspapers & Community Building Symposium XII, at the National Newspaper Association’s 120th Annual Convention & Trade Show, Oklahoma City, Okla., Oct. 12, 2006.
Presentation of “From Old Media to New Media: How Journalist Bloggers Are Changing America’s Newspapers And Transforming Themselves As Gatherers And Disseminators Of News,” (Research presented with Dr. Guy Reel.) The Carolinas Communications Association Annual Conference—“Communication, Culture and Common Ground,” Charleston, S.C., Sept. 15, 2006.
Author of "An Opinion Column, Anger, Resentment and the First Amendment: A Case Study in Freedom of the Press at Winthrop University," Presented at annual meeting of the South Carolina Academy of Science, University of South Carolina, Columbia, S.C. (Abstract of presentation published in the Bulletin of the South Carolina Academy of Science, Volume LXVIII, pp. 111-112, March 10, 2006.)
Presenter and author, with Judy Longshaw, of research titled “Keeping Your Sanity And Staying Positive(And Trying, Through Media Messages, To Convince Terrorists Not To Behead Your Kidnapped Brother): Lessons Learned By An Anxious Family Member Caught In The Middle Of An International Story,” presented to the spring 2005 convention of the South Carolina Academy of Science. Abstract of research published in Bulletin of the South Carolina Academy of Science, Volume LXVII, pp. 108-109.
Author, with Judy Longshaw, of professional research paper titled “A Beheading, A National Media Blitz, Hometown Grief, Suffering and Pain, And One Small Southern Newspaper”—presented to the Newspapers and Community-Building Symposium XI, at The National Newspaper Association’s 119th Annual Convention, Milwaukee, Wis., Sept. 30, 2005.
Author of refereed professional paper “When The Cop Said The All-American Boy Who Died Had Been Driving Under The Influence”: How One Small Southern Newspaper Responded To A Seeming “Disconnect” Between Its News Coverage Of That Death And Its Community”—presented to the Newspapers and Community-Building Symposium IX The National Newspaper Association’s 117th Annual Convention Kansas City, Mo., Sept. 24-27, 2003.
Author of refereed professional paper “I’m NOT crazy; I’m bipolar”: Why Newspapers Can’t Seem To Get It Right In Their Coverage of Mental Health Issues”—presented at the Hawaii International Conference on Social Sciences, Honolulu, Hawaii, June 2002.
Author of “From Hard-Hitting Investigative Journalism To Embracing Coverage Of Chicken Dinners, Schools, Church And Family: A Study Of A Veteran Community Journalist’s Self-Examination And Redefining His Approach To News”--presented at the Newspapers and Community-Building Symposium of the National NewspaperAssociation’s 115th Annual Convention & Trade Show, Louisville, Ky., October 2000.
OTHER WORKSHOPS AND PRESENTATIONS (2000-PRESENT):Presenter of workshop session titled "Photoshop Principles" (Adobe Photoshop CS3) at Winthrop University High School Media, Theatre and Dance Workshop," Sept. 23, 2009. Also, co-presenter, with Dr. Guy Reel, of workshop session titled "Social Media: Beyond Facebook."
Presented, with Dr. Guy Reel, Adobe Photoshop CS3 and Adobe InDesign CS# workshop session on behalf of the Winthrop chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists. (Session attended by 25 people). March 10, 2009, Winthrop University.
Presented workshop on story ideas, “newspaper re-invention” and the responsibility and mission of The Johnsonian and The Roddey-McMillan at the Student Publications Workshop, Aug. 21, 2008, Winthrop University.
Created and presented session titled “Feature Writing” for the Winthrop University High School Media & Theatre Workshop, Sept. 24, 2008. Also co-led workshop session, with Dr. Guy Reel, titled “Publication Design.”
Presented workshop on First Amendment freedoms and the importance of print journalism for the faculty adviser (Cindy Koon) and staff of “S.P.I.N.,” the student newspaper at South Pointe High School in Rock Hill. Session included markup and critique of recent editions of “S.P.I.N.” Nov. 14, 2008.
Judge of SPJ Mark of Excellence Awards contest entries (Region 8) for the following categories: Editorial Cartooning; Sports Column Writing; Sports Writing. February 2009.
Judge, with Dr. Guy Reel, of the following categories in the Syracuse Press Club 2008 Print Media Contest: Portrait; Feature Photo; and Photo Illustration.
Newspaper team leader and design/writing coach (with Dr. Guy Reel) of Leadership York County. April 2, 2009.
Created and led or co-led workshop sessions on electronic page design software (InDesign); image manipulation software (Adobe Photoshop CS); headline writing; news writing; and story/picture packaging at the summer 2004, 2005 and 2006 ASNE High School Journalism Institute at Winthrop University.
Presenter of workshop titled “The Impact of The Johnsonian and the Roddey-McMillan Record on Winthrop University” to staffers and prospective staffers of student publications at Winthrop University, Aug. 19, 2004.
Presenter--with Dr. Guy Reel, Terry Plumb from The (Rock Hill) Herald, and Nicole Bell of The Charlotte Observer--of workshop, in connection with Black History Month, titled “Fairness of Coverage of African-Americans in High Profile News Stories,” Feb. 12, 2004.
Presenter--with Dr. Guy Reel, Andrew Skeritt from The (Rock Hill) Herald, and Roland Wilkerson from the Charlotte Observer--of workshop, in connection with Black History Month, titled “Working Harder and Smarter to Achieve Diversity in America’s Newspapers,” Feb. 10, 2003.
Presenter of problem-solving breakout session on “Quick and Dirty Journalism” to approximately 35 high school students at Winthrop Olde English Consortium Junior/Senior Scholarship Day, Oct. 15, 2003.
Presented workshop and authored worksheet on “How To Develop Your Listening Skills” for a target audience of elderly men and women at Shepherd’s Center of Rock Hill, S.C., April 14, 2003.
Author, by invitation of Allyn & Bacon, of extensive, detailed critical/constructive review of draft manuscript of 21st Century Feature Writing (textbook under development at Allyn & Bacon)—February 2003.
Author, by invitation of Allyn & Bacon, of extensive, detailed critical/constructive review of draft manuscript of Feature Writing for Newspapers and Magazines (Fourth Edition), by Edward Jay Friedlander and John Lee. (textbook under development at Allyn & Bacon)—February 2002.
Author of January 2003 grant proposal which resulted in the Winthrop University chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists receiving a $500 grant from SPJ headquarters in Indianapolis, Ind., to help bring Washington Post investigative journalist Josh White to campus in April 2003. White was lead investigative reporter for the Post on the Washington, D.C., area sniper case that terrorized the nation late in 2002.
Principal author, with mass communication major and SPJ chapter vice president Alan Jenkins, of January 2002 grant proposal which resulted in the Winthrop University chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists receiving a $500 grant from SPJ headquarters in Indianapolis, Ind. Grant helped bring a Baltimore Sun feature writer and foreign correspondent (and former combat journalist in Afghanistan) to Winthrop’s campus as a guest lecturer for classes in mass communication and for a special evening campus-wide presentation.
Presented workshop on coverage of hard news to high school students and their teachers participating in the Winthrop Olde English Consortium Junior Scholars Day, March 13, 2001.
PRESENT:March 3, 2010 "Big changes underway at The Herald," published on the South Carolina Press Association Web site (
Nov. 2009 "Small SC weekly breaks big story," Publishers' Auxiliary, pp. 1, 28.
Nov. 2009 "Myrtle Beach Herald making its mark in journalism," South Carolina Press Association Web site (, November 4, 2009.
Oct. 2009 "You have to be patient with those new hires," Publishers' Auxiliary, p. 27.
July 2009 "One passage ignites ethical firestorm for community paper," Publishers' Auxiliary, pp. 27-28.
April 2009 "Should top execs take pay cuts?" Published on the S.C. Press Association Web site. (, April 1, 2009.
March 2009 "1-page freebies bring in dollars," Publishers' Auxiliary, pp. 1, 15.
Jan. 2009 "Where is the real media sacrifice?" Publishers' Auxiliary, p 4.
Nov. 2008 "Newspaper web site shows video of councilman's DUI arrest," Publishers' Auxiliary, pp. 1, 24.
Sept. 2008 "Covering nonprofits can yield strong stories," Publishers' Auxiliary, pp. 1, 24.
April 2, 2008 “Don’t kid yourself: It ain’t over yet, Barack,” by Larry Timbs, Publishers’ Auxiliary, p. 15.
Jan. 22, 2008 “Help restore Shoeless Joe Jackson’s reputation,” by Larry Timbs, published on the S.C. Press Association Web site. Same article by Larry Timbs published on the Web site of the (Spartanburg, S.C.) Herald-Journal. Jan. 28, 2008. Also published in Publishers’ Auxiliary, Feb. 2008, p. 5, and in The (Rock Hill, S.C.) Herald, Feb. 12, 2008, p. 4A.
December 2007 “Disability should be considered part of diversity,” Publishers’ Auxiliary, p. 28.
Sept. 19, 2007 “S.C. Editors Sound Off On Michael Vick Coverage,” by Larry Timbs, published on the S.C. Press Association Web site . (Same article by Larry Timbs published on Sept. 23, 2007, by The (Rock Hill, S.C.) Herald, pg. 3F, & in Publishers' Auxiliary, October 2007, p. 28.)
April 2007 “Will e-books replace the printed page?” Publishers’ Auxiliary, pp. 1, 24.
April 2007 “Publisher strives for small-town feel in big daily paper,” Publishers’ Auxiliary, pp. 7-8.
December 2006 “Author says news clips great source for books,” Publishers’ Auxiliary, pp. 1, 24.
October 2006 “Metro bloggers on local level,” Publishers’ Auxiliary, pp. 8, 10.
August 2006 “Popular column works much like a blog for weekly,” Publishers’ Auxiliary, p. 25.
July 2006 “Book details Vietnam war crimes case,” Publishers’ Auxiliary, pp. 1, 24.
February 2006 "Opinion column causes student uproar," Publishers' Auxiliary, pp. 1, 24.
January 2006 "An encounter to remember (and an Associated Press I.D., too)," Publishers' Auxiliary, p. 15.
Dec. 2005 “Uproar over column offers First Amendment lessons,” S.C. Press Association Bulletin, p. 11.
Oct. 2005 “”Same-sex ad stirs controversy for SC daily,” Publishers’ Auxiliary, pp. 1, 24.
May 2005 “Curiosity can help you make your mark,” Publishers’ Auxiliary, p. 23.
May 2005 “Curiosity a reporter’s best asset,” Quill: A Magazine for the Professional Journalist,” p. 43.
Oct. 2004 “Ground Zero: Is it just a commercial opportunity now?” Publishers’ Auxiliary, pp. 2, 5, 16.
January 2004 “Publisher proud of her career in community journalism,” Publishers’ Auxiliary,p. 28.
January 2004 “Retired SC publisher publishes book on London during WWII,” Publishers’ Auxiliary,p. 28.
July/Aug. 2003 “Storytelling key to good journalism,” The St. Louis Journalism Review, pp. 24-25.
July 2003 “Sources played a big part in sniper story,” Publishers’ Auxiliary,pp. 1, 24.
March 2003 “Black History Month deserves better coverage by newspapers,” Publishers’ Auxiliary, p. 28.
Feb. 2003 “Finding diversity in small towns,” Quill Magazine, pp. 26-27.
Feb. 2003 “Stray outside your sandbox,” Publishers’ Auxiliary, p. 15.
Dec. 2002 “SC paper faces ire of readers after story of teen’s death,” Publishers’ Auxiliary, p. 28.
Nov. 2002 “Study: Journalists need to get smarter about mental health,” Publishers’ Auxiliary,p. 28.
Sept. 2002 “Bledsoe: Use storytelling to improve your paper’s readership,” Publishers’ Auxiliary, p. 28.
April 2002 “Journalism is a wonderful business,” Publishers’ Auxiliary, p. 28.
Feb. 2002 “Don’t let steak get turned into hamburger,” Publishers’ Auxiliary,p. 28.
Jan. 1, 2002 “Mental illness reporting deserves a human face,” Publishers’ Auxiliary, pp. 1-24.
Nov. 1, 2001 ‘Osama numbers’ hurting papers,” Publishers’ Auxiliary, pp. 1-24.
Sept. 1, 2001 “Management decisi0ns can be tough for some to make,” Publishers’ Auxiliary, pg. 32.
July 2001 “Readers will trust papers that admit mistakes,” Publishers’ Auxiliary,pp. 1, 24.
March 5, 2001 “Diversity important for community papers,” Publishers’ Auxiliary,p. 5.
Jan. 8, 2001 “Once-explosive Fortenberry now calmer, wiser,” Publishers’ Auxiliary,pp. 1, 16.
Oct. 16, 2000 “Reduced to a clump of suffering miserable humanity,” Publishers’ Auxiliary, p. 13.
Sept. 19, 2009 "The Challenges of working with NeXters," The (Rock Hill, S.C.) Herald, p. 4A.
Jan. 3, 2009 "Couric was hypocritical," The (Rock Hill, S.C.) Herald, p. 6
June 15, 2006 “Authors: Worst Vietnam war crimes still go unnoticed,” The (Spartanburg, S.C.) Herald-Journal, pp. C1.
May 28, 2006 “A crime uglier than My Lai?” The Charlotte Observer, p. 5E.
Dec. 24, 2005 “Winthrop journalists learn from controversy,” The (Rock Hill, S.C.) Herald, p. 5A.
Aug. 31, 2005 “Chance interview inspired a career,” The (Rock Hill, S.C.) Herald, p. 6A.
Oct. 10, 2004 “Loud music, T-shirts, tears: A moment at ground zero,” The Charlotte Observer, p. 9Y.
Oct. 6, 2004 “Charlotte anchor tells students she won’t pass judgment on Rather, CBS,” The (Rock Hill, S.C.) Herald, p. 2B.
March 7, 2004 “Chepesiuk chronicles the rise and fall of pervasive and deadly Colombian drug cartel.” The (Spartanburg, S.C.) Herald-Journal, p. C2.
Aug. 31, 2003 “Retired publisher writes about surviving WWII in London,” The (Spartanburg, S.C.) Herald-Journal, p. C2.
July 20, 2003 “Wartime London with a local touch: Retired Fort Mill, S.C., publisher mines his memories for first novel,” The Charlotte Observer, p. 6H.
May 26, 2003 “Reporter haunted by grisly sniper story,” The (Rock Hill, S.C.) Herald, p. 7A.
May 21, 2002 “Reporting abroad is no walk in the park,” The (Rock Hill, S.C.) Herald, p. 5A.
May 15, 2002 “I’m not going down that road:” Charlotte journalist on risks in Afghanistan,” Creative Loafing, Charlotte, N.C.
March 28, 2002 “Local TV journalist: Media has power to change society,” The Charlotte Post.
March 21, 2002 “Charlotte newswoman inspires students,” The (Rock Hill, S.C.) Herald, p. 6A.
April 15, 2001 “Journalists must earn readers’ trust,” Charlotte Observer, p. 8Y.
Feb. 24, 2001 “We’re in a ‘comeback culture’ that forgives, journalist says,” Charlotte Observer, Feb. 24, 2001, p. 3F.
Feb. 20, 2001 “U.S. journalists may be too comfortable,” The (Rock Hill, S.C.) Herald, p. 5A.
Sept. 24, 2000 “Ex-Fort Mill, S.C., publisher tells of war to conquer stroke,”
Charlotte Observer, Sept. 24, 2000, p. 9F.
CREATIVE ENDEAVORS—FEATURE STORIES/OP-ED PIECES ON PLACES/PEOPLE/ISSUES/EVENTS (PUBLISHED IN NEWSPAPERS OR MAGAZINES—2000 TO PRESENT):June 8, 2008 "Museum to open in famed slugger's home in Greenville's West End," (Spartanburg, S.C.) Herald-Journal.
May 25, 2008 "Shoeless Joe's home will open as museum," The Charlotte Observer, p. 1I.
June 22, 2007 “Only one Bonds,” guest op-ed piece by Larry Timbs, published in The Chester News & Reporter, pg. 12, Chester, S.C
Winter 2005 “A SPECIAL TO QUILL,” South Carolina Academy of Science Newsletter, pp. 6-7.
Summer 2004 “Former Winthrop Student Visits Campus,” The (Winthrop University) Connection, p. 5
April 14-20, 2004 “Rembert Plans Her Return: County Commission candidate assesses her time on School Board,” Creative Loafing, pp. 15, 17, 20.
April 7, 2004 “Poet Conroy will read at alma mater,” The Charlotte Observer, pp. 1E, 5E.
Feb. 2, 2004 “Taking down Colombia’s Cali Cartel,” The Charlotte Observer, p. 19A.
Nov. 16, 2003 “Is ‘Bobcats’ a suitable name for basketball team?” The (Rock Hill, S.C.) Herald, p. 2E.
Oct. 3, 2003 “Sylvia Theater: An intimate venue for music,” The (Spartanburg, S.C.) Herald-Journal.
Feb. 20-26, 2003 “Activists: Look to make own mark for social change,” The Charlotte Post, p. 1A, 6A.
Sept. 19, 2002 “Twenty ways to drive your professor up the wall,” The (Rock Hill, S.C.) Herald, p. 6A.
Jan. 23, 2002 “More Than 400 Years Of Memories Under One Roof,” The (Mountain City, Tenn.) Tomahawk, pp. A-1, A-5.
Jan. 20, 2002 “Tidbits from celebrities, rearranged,” The Charlotte Observer, p. 9H.
Aug. 19, 2001 “All aboard Tweetsie, a ride back in time,” Charlotte Observer, pp. 1G, 7G.
Sept. 23, 2000 “Franklin Graham carries on gospel tradition his own way,”
Charlotte Observer, p. 47.
SERVICE/LEADERSHIP IN THE PROFESSIONAL JOURNALISM COMMUNITY (2000-Present):Judge of SPJ Mark of Excellence Awards contest entries (Region 3) for the following categories: Editorial Cartooning; Sports Column Writing; Sports Writing. February 2008.
Writing, editing and design coach for The Roane County News in Roane County, Tenn. November 2007.
Writing, editing and design coach for The Lancaster News in Lancaster, S.C.. Summer 2004.
Creator and co-teacher (with Dr. Guy Reel) of new course, “Community Newspaper Practicum” (MCOM 495) taught in “C” session of summer school, 2007. Purpose of the course is to give a handful of our students, with advanced journalism skills, hands-on experience at an area community newspaper (providing them 15-20 clips for their portfolios). MCOM 495 is also designed to enhance the newspaper, giving the editor and his staff support (through the students’ work) in developing special projects or pages. (There’s no other course like this in South Carolina, to my knowledge).
Created and presented sessions, every year I've been at Winthrop, on one or more of the following topics (page design, editing, basic news writing, feature writing, editing, interviewing, Web writing, photo enhancement) ” for the Annual Winthrop University High School Media & Theatre Workshop.
Member/key player/planner/organizer (of collegiate newspaper competition, job fairs and conferences) on S.C. Press Association Collegiate Division Committee—2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008.
Newspaper group leader/coach—Annual Leadership York County, Media/Crisis Communication Day--early February each year.
Judge of SPJ Mark of Excellence Awards contest entries (Region 3) for the following categories: Online News Reporting; Sports Column Writing; Editorial Cartooning. February 2007.
Judge, at the invitation of the S.C. Press Association, of entries (Headline Writing, Feature Writing and Editorial Writing) for Georgia Press Association newspaper awards competition. Feb. 8, 2007.
Instructor and co-leader, with Professor Jock Lauterer of UNC-Chapel Hill, of two-hour workshop on journalistic ethics at the N.C. Press Association Newspaper Academy, co-sponsored and hosted by the School of Journalism and Mass Communication, UNC-Chapel Hill, May 17, 2002.
Presented workshop on editing for about 70 editors, publishers and other news editorial employees of the Athens, Ga., based Community Newspapers, Inc. (CNI Managers Meeting, Cornelia, Ga., Sept. 22, 2001.)
Writing, photography and design coach for the Lexington County Chronicle, Lexington, S.C., Bennettsville, S.C., May 2001.
Writing, photography and design coach for the Marlboro Herald-Advocate, Bennettsville, S.C., Feb. 2001.
S.C. Press Association Collegiate Meeting and Awards Presentation, University of South Carolina, Columbia, S.C., March 28, 2008. Workshop sessions on improving student journalist photography, writing and design skills; and on how to get that first job in journalism.
Society of Professional Journalists Region 3 Spring Conference, University of South Carolina, Columbia, S.C., March 28, 2008. Workshop sessions on new media challenges; preparing for tomorrow’s newsrooms; campus crime reporting; the changing political landscape and journalism; and the value of diversity in journalism.
S.C. Press Association Winter Meeting & Awards Presentation, Spartanburg, S.C., March 6-7, 2008. Workshops/presentations on building newspaper circulation, rethinking newspaper content, and community journalism in the 21st century.
ACES (American Copy Editors Society) workshop, Jan. 27, 2008. (Conducted at The (Rock Hill, S.C.) Herald. Sessions on news copy editing, sports copy editing, “separating the wheat from the chaff” in editing copy about politics and elections, and how the copy desk can help give readers the information they need in forms they can easily understand, and editing (or not editing) citizen blogs.
Carolinas Communication Association Annual Conference, Boone, N.C., Sept. 29, 2007. Workshop sessions on examining communication from the perspectives of culture and community; global issues in health communication; “great ideas” for teaching communication; case studies of communication in crisis situations; and a review of research on text messages, My Space and bloggers.
Newspapers and Community-Building Symposium XIII, the National Newspaper Association’s 121st Annual Convention, Norfolk, Va., Sept. 26-28, 2007. Workshop sessions on“great ideas” for growing advertising in community newspapers; connecting readers and advertisers with effective design; training background and needs of journalists at rural newspapers in the United States; recruiting students into community journalism; building community and the future; making ethical decisions in community and civic journalism; handling for newspaper Web archives.
Annual Convention of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Washington, D.C., August 2007. Workshop sessions on writing, editing, design, community and civic journalism, special targeted publications, ethics, law, and Web journalism.
S.C. Press Association Winter Meeting & Awards Presentation, Columbia, S.C., Feb. 23, 2007. Workshops/presentations on newspapers and the Internet, newspapers and political ads, and the future of the newspaper industry.
National Newspaper Association’s 120th Annual Convention & Trade Show, Oklahoma City, Oct. 11-14, 2006. Workshop sessions on niche publications, advertising and circulation development, newspaper management, postage, public notice, community building, digital archiving, photography and writing/editing.
Associated Collegiate Press 23rd Annual National College Newspaper & Yearbook Workshops, Aug. 3-Aug. 6, 2006, Washington, D.C. Workshop sessions and short courses on: advising student media; advertising, headline writing; copyediting; staff recruitment and development; newspaper design; new media (blogging) and Web-based journalism; news and feature writing; and First Amendment law.
Participated, along with three students (mass communication majors from Winthrop University), in the Society of Professional Journalists Southeast Regional Conference, University of Georgia, Athens, Ohio, April 7-8, 2006. Attended workshop sessions on blogging at community newspapers; freelance writing and media ethics.
Participated in six-hour Winthrop University Faculty Service Learning Institute--focusing on methods and models of integrating service learning into curricula; establishing community partnerships; facilitating critical reflection and evaluation; and resources for instructors who value this approach to teaching and learning. (May 9, 2006, Baruch Room, Joynes Hall, Winthrop University.)
Participant in numerous workshops, led by Keoni Everington, distance learning coordinator at Winthrop University, on how to use WebCT software to improve teaching and learning—2002, 2003 and 2004.
Participant in numerous workshops/sessions on writing, editing, photography, design, ethics, freedom of information, and technology—offered by the S.C. Press Association and the National Newspaper Association—1998-2008.
Judge, by invitation of the S.C. Press Association, of the General Excellence category in the Washington Newspaper Publishers Association Contest—May 2004.
Judge, at the invitation of Society of Professional Journalists headquarters in Indianapolis, Ind., of SPJ’s final round of essays (top 12 finalists) in national high school essay contest on “What a Free Media Means to America”—summer 2004.
Named co-Society of Professional Journalism Sunshine Chair for South Carolina, effective summer 2004. Currently represent South Carolina at SPJ’s annual national convention and on SPJ’s Freedom of Information Committee.
Participant, Media Credibility Roundtable, York Technical College—by invitation of The (Rock Hill, S.C.) Herald; roundtable sponsored by the Associated Press Managing Editors’ National Credibility Roundtables Project, June 2003.
Judge, by invitation of the S.C. Press Association, of editorial material, photos and page design in the Arizona Newspaper Association Contest—July 2003.
Participant in writing workshop taught at The (Rock Hill, S.C.) Herald by Marjie Lundstrom, Pulitzer Prize winning journalist, senior editor/columnist and writing coach for The Sacramento Bee—Nov. 8, 2001.
SERVICE (2000 To Present):●Guided faculty/student research on newspaper Web archives, spring 2007.
●Member of "Teaching Squares" program at Winthrop University (faculty peer review of evaluation and improvement of teaching and learning), fall 2006.
●Faculty adviser/coach to the newspaper group (comprised of local community leaders) during Media Day of Leadership York County
●Emphasis on multi-media writing (for print and for the Web) and hands-on, deep learning (life-long learning) in all my writing and editing courses at Winthrop (requiring students to immerse themselves in the campus and greater Rock Hill/York County community.
●Volunteer and newspaper coach for Rawlinson Road Middle School students at The Connection (after-school ministry for children)
●Winthrop University Service Learning Committee
●Resource contact person (for employees, interns and freelance writers) for The Lancaster (S.C.) News, the Chester (S.C.) News & Reporter, The (Rock Hill) Herald, The Charlotte Observer, The (Spartanburg, S.C.) Herald-Journal, the Fort Mill Times and the York & Clover Enquirer.
●Faculty academic adviser to 25-30 mass communication/journalism majors or pre-majors
●Key role in obtaining/screening/selecting Winthrop student entries for Annual Hearst Journalism Awards Program
●Consultant, guest speaker, critiquer, workshop presenter for student publications for high schools in York County, S.C.--Northwestern High School and Southe Pointe High School--and for Bessemer City High School in Bessemer City, N.C. Professional Resource for these English/journalism faculty and their students--2004-2008
●Regularly require service learning projects in a sampling of my mass communication courses each semester. Examples of service learning accomplished by my students: Veteran History Project--focusing on capturing the stories and memories, via audiotape and in writing, of U.S. military veterans (student work archived permanently at Dacus Library and indexed on the Library of Congress Web site); Special Olympics brochure redesign--focusing Winthrop students on improving and re-thinking targeted publications boosting Special Olympics (for those with mental disabilities)in York, Chester and Lancaster counties.
●Panelist representing Winthrop University student publications at a panel discussion (attended by more than 200 people) on First Amendment freedoms and the role of the student newspaper on a college campus, Nov. 10, 2005, Dinkins Auditorium, Winthrop University.
●Chair of Departmental Tenure and Promotion Committee for Haney Howell
●Member, Department of Mass Communication Diversity Policy Review Committee (in connection with helping create departmental self-study report for ACEJMC.)
●Primary writer and editor of Alumni Survey sent via the Web and U.S. mail to 400+ mass communication alumni for the years 2001-2007. Survey is part of the department’s ACEJMC 2008 self-study.
●Faculty adviser for The Johnsonian, Winthrop University’s campus newspaper
●Faculty consultant and coach for many students who work on the staff of the Roddey-McMillan Record
●Founder and faculty adviser of Winthrop University chapter of the Society Professional
●Chair, Tenure and Promotion committees for Dr. Guy Reel.
●Member, Promotion Committee for Dr. Marilyn Sarow.
●Member, Promotion Committee for Dr. Padmini Patwardhan.
●Member, Tenure Committee for Dr. Padmini Patwardhan.
●Member, Mass Communication/Journalism Track Departmental Assessment Committee (with Dr. Guy Reel and Dr. Bill Click.) Spring 2007.
●Chair of Third-Year Review Committee for Marilyn Sarow; also member of her post-tenure review committee, 2006.
●Member, MCOM 205 Revision Committee (with Mark Nortz and Haney Howell), September 2006.
●Member, Senior Capstone Experience Committee (with Haney Howell, Guy Reel and Marilyn Sarow), Fall 2006.
● Chair, post-tenure review committee for Associate Haney Howell (Spring 2007).
●Member, pre-tenure review committee for Assistant Professor Padmini Patwardhan (Spring 2007).
●Mass Communication/Dacus Library acquisitions liaison
●Winthrop University Board of Student Publications
●President’s Task Force on Student Publications
●South Carolina Press Association (Collegiate Committee)
●Recipient of “Exemplary Single Service Project By A Group” award, by Winthrop University, for community service and service learning
●Key planner and coordinator of student recruiting and student interviewing (departmental) visits, over many years, by numerous newsroom executives
●American Society of Newspaper Editors (ASNE) grant proposal committee
●ASNE Selection, Recruitment and Planning committees for Winthrop University, 2004, 2005, 2006
●United Way coordinator and liaison for the Department of Mass Communication
●GNED 102 planning and preparation team (summer 2003)
●Volunteer and member, Allocations Committee, United Way of York County, S.C. (Spring 2009)
•Recipient of Presidential Citation for Community Service at the April 2009 awards ceremony for Winthrop faculty and staff (in connection with my support of the Library of Congress' Veterans History Project)