Well what will NASA think of next?
Just read an interesting piece in the Charlotte Observer about the space shuttle Endeavor and its seven astronauts. Endeavor and its crew returned safely to Edwards Air Force Base in California after a 16-day trip working on the international space station.
Ok, yawn, you say.
But get this. One of the things the astronauts did up there (or maybe it's over there) was haul and install equipment that will convert astronauts' urine to water.
You got it. We're talking about recycling human pee into drinkable, clean water.
The idea is that if we go back to the moon or to Mars or beyond, it'll be too expensive to lug water. Best to recycle human pee and make it life-sustaining.
It's going to happen, folks.
Pee into drinkable water.
Whaddya think about that?
See there...
That's just another reason for me to hate drinking water!
And I was just getting into the hang of drinking almost 8 glasses a day!
Good for you to drink that much water, I'm told. Helps cleanse the system.
That sure would make NASCAR events and camping easier.
What will they think of...I mean drink of next? This takes the recycling thing to a higher level. Should'nt be a problem with "vacuum-sealing" to keep it fresh. Will the water-boys now be the pee-boys?
Don't they already basically do this in our water treatment plants? Actually, this stuff unfiltered already sells in the millions of dollars every year--it's called beer!
Say it isn't so? The color, the foam, the taste?
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