Been reading an interesting book lately by televangelist and mega-church pastor Joel Osteen. Name of the book is: "Become A Better You."
One idea that seems entirely common sensical but frequently overlooked (by many of us out here in the universe who are struggling to find what it is that we're supposed to do or be about) is this: every one of us is a unique child of God, and, that said, each one of us has certain skills, talents, predispositions or gifts.
We all have our strengths.
We are HARD WIRED, as Osteen puts it in his book, to do certain things. When that skill or talent is part of our hard wire circuitry (implanted in our DNA), those things come easily and naturally, and we like to do them.
If we're not doing what we're hard wired to do, then we struggle, fight, wring our hands, scratch our heads, contantly find ourselves trying to climb uphill.
What are you hard wired to do?
Shame some of us never quite come to grips with answering that question--which might be one of life's most important and challenging puzzles (at least for some of us.)
I agree with this to an extent. I do believe some of us are naturally better at certain things than others.
But I see no harm in an individual striving to become something he or she was not necessarily born to be.
In fact, I may even admire that person more.
Life is a constant series of challenges and if we simply fall into the role we are handed, then what's the point? We should keep striving to become better versions of ourselves, especially when this means exploring avenues other than our "natural" talents.
Well put, Sarah.
Those who strive to accomplish what they were not "hard wired" at birth to accomplish (and then succeed against all odds) are to be commended all the more.
Good point you made.
I totally believe that all of us were put here with a purpose and should live out that purpose by using the talents and gifts given to us. I've been given the gift of a beautiful singing voice (so I've been told) and I use it whenever I get a chance to. I know I touch the lives of some by doing that and I enjoy it.
By the way, I like Joel Osteen and my mom loves Joel Osteen.
You should sing for us some time, Viola/Sam.
That would be really neat.
Remind us some day in class.
Sometimes, I feel like I'm hard wired to "struggle, fight, wring my hands, scratch my head, constantly find myself trying to climb uphill." I don't know if I'm actually any good at it but I sure do seem to get plenty of practice! SIGH!!!
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