Just to commemorate the end of this very long (seemingly interminable) political season, note the 2,000 pounds of bull that accompanies this blog post.
I caught this guy resting near my father-in-law's barn in east Tennessee.
Question: Where does a bull do his thing?
Answer: Anywhere he wants to!
Seriously this bull gave me the evil eye. Didn't want to get too close.
He's a prize animal.
At ease with himself and the living things around him but nonetheless keeping all his senses open, just in case...
Just like a lot of those candidates in the 2008 election year.
What a year it was!
This bull represents a lot about what I feel.
A bunch of bull is exactly what some candidates were putting out there. Honestly, I've been wanting the election to be over since the primaries and I am OVERLY ECSTATIC that it's finally over!
Amen, sister. Well said!
As Roy Orbison warbled in his famous old song:
"It's oh..........ver!
It's oh...........ver!
It's oh...............................................ver!
I hope the bull is really over and not just beginning. I have faith in our new president and hope he does what he promised. Time for a change...thats for sure!
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