It's May and that means graduation.
And for me, that means dusting off the old cap and gown for another round of marching, listening, applause and hugging.
Such is the rhythm of life for a professor.
Congrats. and good luck to all our graduates.
(Thanks to my friend, Judy Longshaw, for snapping this picture of the old grinning blogster all decked out in graduation regalia at the commencement ceremony a few days ago. Thank you, Judy, for making me smile for the photo.)
Another cycle is completed. Bet the parents and graduates were pleased to have you share their special moment.
What would your #1 piece of wisdom be for the journalism graduates of 2010?
It would be simply this: Go in person when you seek a job. Do not depend on online to get your first real job in journalism. Keep going in person. The employer will soon get the point that you are serious (and different) and committed about working in journalism. We might call this "shoe leather" job seeking.
This guy looks like my husband.
Last comment today i swear
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