Nothing like swinging a golf club to relieve tension.
Golf courses are also excellent refuges for computer strained and eye weary old guys who've had about as much of the digital world as they can stand.
You put that little white ball on tee, rare back, say a prayer and smack the you-know-what out of it.
Day before yesterday, 44 of us (young, old, good, bad, pretty, ugly, skinny, fat...) competed at Pinetuck Golf Course to help Winthrop raise money for its scholarship fund.
We had a blast.
(In the picture Saturday afternoon at Pinetuck, from left, are: Dan Rivera, Mark Nortz, yours truly, and Guy Reel.)
Who won?
Who cares?
We came, we swung, we cussed, we laughed and we celebrated being alive.
Go golf! (Best game in the world--also the hardest).
I'm glad you guys had a good time -- and for a good cause.
Glad you guys had fun ... and for a good cause.
Geezers can still bring it, Larry. Go Mass Comm!
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