Heard a good sermon yesterday in church from Mike Lowery, pastor of West End Baptist Church in Rock Hill.
Lowery, incidentally, is somewhat of a "Superman" preacher; he's on duty (meaning he's combat ready) at 9:30 a.m. every Sunday at The Connection--an off-campus ministry of West End. Then at 11, you'll find him at the big main church (West End), which has grown tremendously throughout his tenure there.
At The Connection, Lowery--who came to Rock Hill from Texas about 10-11 years ago--wears jeans and an untucked in shirt. Casual looking, relaxed (have a cup of coffee and sausage biscuit with me) guy; you could mistake him for a rancher or truck driver.
He usually finishes his Connection messsage about 10:30 or 10:40 and then races, I'm sure, to the big church (about 4-5 miles ways), where he preaches at 11 (or shortly after 11) when the introductory singing is over.
At the big church, you'll see Lowery in a suit and tie.
That's why I've dubbed him the Superman preacher; the guy changes clothes and is faster than a speeding bullet.
Plus, his message might be more powerful than a locomotive.
Okay, all that aside, these are some of the main points he made in his sermon yesterday morning at West End Baptist Church.
Seven ways we can transform ourselves so that we're more in line with God's ways:
1. Focus on changing only one (behavioral) defect at a time.
2. Focus on victory one day at a time. Bible says: "Give us this day (not this month) our daily bread." Or, put another way: The only way to eat an elephant is one bite at a time.
3. Focus on God's power, not on your own willpower (which is weak.). We can't transform ourselves for the better on our own. Change can only happen through God's power.
4. Focus on what you want, not on what you don't want. Focus on good things, not bad things. Resist the temptor, not the temptation. Focus on what's good, pure and perfect.
5. Focus on doing good, not on feeling good. Be guided by the spirit and not by your need for self-indulgence. The Devil will try to get you to not do the right things. Do the right thing, even if it doesn't feel good.
6. Focus on people who help you, not hurt you, in making positive changes in your life. (If you don't want to get stung by bees, stay away from bees.)
7. Focus on progress, not perfection. Anytime we make steps in the right direction, God is pleased. Sometimes just taking baby steps is a good thing.
Well put, Superman preacher.
Ride 'em cowboy.
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