Monday, January 22, 2018

My new novella

News blurb from yours truly: I’ve just finished a manuscript for a novella. Has 23 chapters and an epilogue.

I’m now in the editing phase. I have a working tentative title, but I'll likely change it. So I’ll hold off announcing the title till I’m certain what I want to go with.

My new novella is about a serial killer in the mountains of East Tennessee. It involves a county sheriff, forensic science, a local community newspaper (something I like to think I know a tad about) and a dog.

More to come but know for now that this will be my third novel; first two were co-written with my friend Michael Manuel. My work this time, however, is solely my own. (Michael, you’re off the hook.)

Who will publish it and when?

Good questions.

My dad used to say that anyone can write a book, but it takes a genius to sell one. How true!

Stay tuned.

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