Planet “Kepler-452b” is thought to be hospitable to life—just like Earth.
Its temperatures are not frigid or scorching. And scientists think that if we could go there, we’d find liquid water, and who knows what else.
Of course, the million-dollar question is whether the planet sustains creatures (human-like, salamanders, deer, birds, dinosaurs or otherwise).
Wouldn’t it be amazing if that were the case?
Kepler-452b (where in the world--or out of this world--did they get that name?), in the constellation Cygnus, is about 60 percent bigger in diameter than Earth. It orbits a star that resembles our sun. It’s also in the “Goldilocks zone”—a place not too hot, nor too cold for life.
On another note, I heard a thought-provocative sermon today. It seems that an old man was whiling away his time on his front porch in one of those so-called iconic rocking chairs from Cracker Barrel.

More of the man’s life was behind him than in front of him. In fact, only a sliver of a few years remained before he would leave this world.
So there he rocked, and thought, and rocked, and pondered.
Rock, rock.
Creak, creak.
Eyes opened drowsily. Then eyes closed. Then back open drowsily.
Rock, rock.
Creak, creak.
These are some of the questions he asked himself:
1. Will I leave this world better than I found it?
2. Have I accomplished all that I want to?
3. Have I been faithful to the Almighty?
4. Been good to my family?
5. Used my money and gifts wisely?
6. Been kind and good-hearted?
7. Generous or greedy and selfish?
8. Made good and wise choices?
9. Been good to my dog?
(I added number 9!)
The preacher asserted that when we live our earthly life, there are no do overs. (No undo command like there is on a computer). That’s it. We die and come before the judgment seat of Christ. What we have done, how we’ve lived our life, what we’ve believed in. All these determine our eternal destiny.
If there are beings (of some sort) on planet Kepler-452b, are they rocking and harboring such thoughts?
I wonder.
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