That said, he has 24-7 access to a helicopter, lives in a palace-like dwelling in the Vatican, has his own gourmet cook (I am sure) and dresses in long-flowing (expensive, regal) garments. I'd say his papal attire could not be purchased at J.C. Penney or Sears.

All this excessive religious royalty at the same time a Catholic school is being closed in downtown New York City (the very same school that helped shape one of our U.S. Supreme Court justices--Sonia Sotomayor). It's being shut down for lack of funding from the church.
Maybe sell the helicopter and fund the school.
As an aside (while I'm on spiritual topics), one of my favorite pastors, Mike Lowery of Impact Community Church in Rock Hill, had this to say last Sunday about what God's plan is for us. God, according to Lowery, wants us to:
1. Allow Him to love us.
2. Be part of His family.
3. "Become" (fulfill His specific plan).
4. Bless others and be a blessing to others
5. Bring others into His family.
That last purpose might be the most important one, Lowery said, because God is gathering a family that will love and live with him forever. Thus, His purpose in creating us was to move us into His family. But we have free will. It's our choice to accept him or not accept him.
Anyone, Lowery asserted in his sermon at Impact, who calls on the name of lord will be saved.
And remember: Only two things will last forever: truth (the Bible) and our souls. Lowery admonishes us to invest in people and the truth. Build genuine relationships--with God and with others. Nothing else matters, he says. And always remember: Do not look to the world for peace. Look to God.
Lowery also reminded us of what Jesus did with his time and energy on this earth. None of us is as perfect as the Son of Man, but we ought to take heed of his accomplishments. (All of the following, by the way, while not having a place to lay his head at night):
1. Planted a church
2. Equipped servant leaders
3. Assisted the poor. Ministered to them.
4. Cared for the sick. Preacher, teacher, healer.
5. Educated the next generation. "Don't turn the little children away from me."
Food for thought and nourishment (I hope) for the soul.
A devoted Catholic, whom I know fairly well, responded as follows to my blog post about the new pope:
People are already complaining, on the other side of things, that he has broken too much from traditions.
I am sure you heard that he paid for his own cab, and in Argentina, cooked his own meals, took the bus, and sold (or at least did not live in) the bishop's palace.
He also has deliberately taken on the name Francis (after Assisi, not Xavier), as a reflection of his desire to promote generous love, poverty of spirit and love for the poor, and authentic witness for the sake of the Kingdom.
Give the guy a chance.
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