Knowing my interest in animals--wild and domestic--Marilyn Sarow, a colleague of mine, put an article in my hands today. Written by Dean Mullis, it appeared in the Feb. 22, 2012, edition of the Charlotte Observer.
Gives "hog love" a new meaning.
Here's Mullis' piece:
Jenifer called me Tuesday morning while I was at work. I was on my knees setting out 1,300 onion plants.
She said, "Stacy busted out a hole in the back of her hut. She must have been working on it in secret for days."
The hole was big enough for a 500-pound sow to go through, but too high for her 12 8-week-old pigs to follow.
I guess she was tired of those 12 squealing pigs literally sucking the life out of her every time she turned around and decided they needed weaning.
Stacy rooted around a bit in some fresh dirt and grass then headed down the hill to the pen with Penny and George the boar in it. George was ecstatic, as Penny had been fighting off his advances for months.
Hogs are normally very respectful and wary of electric fences, but Stacy went through a hot, two-strand fence to get to George. I guess she was eager.
I won't describe what hog love is like except to say it is loud and it ain't pretty.
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