I blogged about QR codes back on April 29, 2011.
Knew they were here to say and we'd be confronting more and more of them.
Now comes this news, from the S.C. Press Associaton eBulletin, about who really scans those codes:
"A demographic analysis of those who scanned a QR code with their mobile phone in June revealed an audience that was more likely to be male, young to middle-age and upper income. More than half of all QR code scanners were between the ages of 18-34. Those between the age of 25-34 were twice as likely as the average mobile user to engage in this behavior, while 18-24 year olds were 36% more likely than average to scan. More than 1 of every 3 QR code scanners had a household income of at least $100,000, representing both the largest and most over-represented income segment among the scanning audience. The most popular source of a scanned QR code was a printed magazine or newspaper, with nearly half scanning QR codes from this source. Product packaging was the source of QR code scanning for 35.3% of the audience, while 27.4% scanned a code from a website on a PC and 23.5% scanned codes from a poster/flyer/kiosk."
Don't know anything about QR codes? (That's a QR code that accompanies this blog post.)
Best you Google them now and get in the loop if you're serious about digital communication.
I continue to wish I had a "smart phone" so I could start scanning them.
Maybe soon.
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