Tommy Tomlinson, a columnist/story teller for the Charlotte Observer, recently wrote that too many of us find ourselves in ruts that tend to keep our lives on hold or kill our spirit.
Maybe part of our ruts are rooted in comfort zones (those places that we settle into and don't want to leave lest someone drags us out kicking and screaming.)
Are you in a comfort zone rut?
Here are Tomlinson's thoughts:
"Some days inertia feels like the most powerful force in the world, stronger than gravity or anger or love.
"How many of our problems would vanish if we just quit doing the same stupid things we do every day? Or started doing the things we keep putting off?
"I read "The Family Circus" every morning on the comics page. A lot of people love "The Family Circus" - we find that out at the paper every time we try to get rid of it. In all the years I've read it, I don't think it's ever given me an honest laugh. But it just takes three seconds. Maybe this time Jeffy will be funny. OK, maybe next time.
"Routines become habits, and habits become ruts that run so deep it's hard to see out. When inertia kicks in, your mind clicks over to autopilot. You could live your life blindfolded. You know exactly where to go.
"That's why one of the best ways to get out of a funk is to change your routine. It can be as simple as driving a different route to work, or turning left instead of right on your morning walk, or sitting on the couch instead of in the easy chair. Those little changes alert your brain that something new is going on. It makes you more aware. You see the world instead of just passing through."
Thank you, Tommy Tomlinson.
Now to dedicate myself to breaking out of my funk.
Some will kick and scream when I do that, but so be it.
A funky, rutty life is not what we were put here to live.
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