Look closely at the images accompanying this blog post. These are known as QR (Quick Response) Codes.
Soon, very soon, we're going to be seeing these in lots of ads or in printed text. If you have a smart phone, for example, and your smart phone has the correct scanning software, you can scan a QR code with your phone; then you'll be taken to more information--more text, a website, picture or video.
Read all about QR Codes at this link.
For now, know what they are and get ready for them to become a part of your everyday life in 2011 and beyond.
QR Codes--already big and burgeoning in Asia, but still sort of a curiosity in the U.S. Look for them on business cards, signs, magazines, newspapers, buses--any place where you might need more information. (And we'll inevitably soon begin noticing them on t-shirts.)
Definitely something to keep your eyes on...
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