Ever met such a person?
I have.
Her name is Sheila Solomon.
She's cross media editor at the Chicago Tribune. (That's her picture with this blog post.)
I've gotten to know Sheila over the years as a good friend of the Department of Mass Communication at Winthrop University. She happens to be in town (in Rock Hill at Winthrop this week) in connection with the 22nd edition of Mass Communication Week at our university.
Knew her before Chicago in her capacity a few years ago as a key person in the newsroom at the Daily Press in Newport News, Va.
Once she meets you, she never forgets you.
I, on the other hand, don't have such a keen memory.
What's the old saying?
When you get old, the first three things that go are your hearing, your sight (and I can't remember the last one.)
Sheila, wish I were more like you.
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