Friday, October 22, 2010

Wish I were as good as my dog Roadie was

Shannon Robinson, my daughter-in-law in Tennessee, sent these nuggets of wisdom to me. They speak to the virtues of being a dog.

Would that people were as good as our four-legged friends!

Roadie, this post's for you. (Roadie, my beloved sheltie, went to dog heaven a few months ago.)

•A dog is the only thing on earth

 that loves you more than he loves himself. .

-Josh Billings

•The reason a dog has so many friends is that

 he wags his tail instead of his tongue.


•There is no psychiatrist in the world

like a puppy licking your face.

-Ben Williams

•The average dog is a nicer person

 than the average person.

-Andy Rooney

•Anybody who doesn't know what soap tastes like

 never washed a dog.

- Franklin P. Jones

•If your dog is fat,

 you aren't getting enough exercise



If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous,

 he will not bite you;

 that is the principal difference between a dog and a man.

-Mark Twain

•Dogs are not our whole life,

 but they make our lives whole.

-Roger Caras

•If you think dogs can't count,

try putting three dog biscuits in your pocket

 and then give him only two of them.

-Phil Pastoret


Anonymous said...

Aw I really liked those. Ginger Rogers once said something like "Unlike people, dogs never hold back their feelings. You can always tell when they are happy to see you."

(I tried to find the exact quote online but couldn't.)

I think Roadie would like all of those nice dog quotes :)


carolina magic said...

Thanks, Jessica.

Roadie was one in a billion.

Never will be another just like him.

Thanks again for reading and commenting.

Yours for dogs.