It takes more than a fire to shut down The Johnsonian, the weekly student newspaper at Winthrop University.
Buildings may be closed, offices evacuated and classes cancelled (as they were yesterday) while restoration professionals and others continue to dig through the ashen rubble of the upper structure of heavily damaged Owens Hall.
A fire this past weekend has touched everyone on our campus.
But the student newspaper and student video magazine (Winthrop Closeup) have remained on the job--covering this huge story as it unfolds hour by hour.
Turn your sound up and click on this link to experience a video report--from Rock Hill cable station CN2--about our enterprising and first-on-the-scene student journalists.
Couldn't be more proud of them!
Hey Dr. T,
I was devastated when I heard about the fire, but after reading your blog post I am excited about WU's (and yours and your staff's) attitudes!)
The Johnsonian is a magnificent paper because of you and your staff. It's one of the greatest things I miss about Winthrop.
Keep up the good attitude and good work! You rock!!
Very kind of you, Amanda. Thanks for the kudos! (The newspaper staff does all the work; I just try to get out of their way.)
Takahashi said it: "The only thing I know is that our deadline is Tuesday at midnight, and we are going to meet that deadline."
Well said.
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