If golf isn't the hardest game in the world, I don't know what is.
I tried playing today after a few months hiatus.
Didn't do very well, but I lOVE to try. (Had to get out in the sunshine and warmth and enjoy the great S.C. outdoors after the recent cold snap.)
I swing and sometimes I don't hit the ball. I cuss--sometimes even saying the "firetruck" word. I flail about and think to myself, "Why do I keep trying at this...?
Several times today, when I hit the ball, I pulled it way left, or I barely nicked it, driving the ball way right.
Not a great day today hitting the ball at the Winthrop golf course, but a satisfying one--with fresh air, invigorating scenery and friendly people. No high pressure stakes at this course--just weekend golfers out of a few hours of recreation.
This brings me to this thought: How does Tiger Woods do it so effortlessly and beautifully?
I watched him, in person, two years ago when he won the Wachovia Championship, pocketing $1 million-plus for that victory, in Charlotte.
The man is superman around and on the greens. And off the tees, he hits it a mile.
So he has all the tools, all the gifts.
What you maybe didn't know: Tiger hits hundreds of balls on the driving range--after he plays 18 holes. He puts in just as much practice with his putter and chipper.
The best never sit on their laurels.
Here's to Tiger Woods, the best at the hardest game in the world.
I'm in awe of the guy.
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