Hillary Rodham Clinton, front running Democratic candidate for president of the U.S., recently ate at the Maid-Rite Diner in Iowa.
First reports were that she did not tip the waitress for a $157 bill.
Then that changed that "her retinue of advisers" left a $100 tip on that bill.
Decide for yourself.
Read about it in the NYT.
Regardless, news about her personal life spreads like wildfire in the media. What she wears, what she doesn't wear, how much she tips or doesn't tip...
Big deal. Maybe she was a sucky waitress. I hardly see why this matters. Just because she has money, doesn't mean she has to leave a huge tip.
Hillary has done some things that are much more questionable than not tipping in her career. I doesn't really matter much to me whether she tips her waitress(although it may be a representation of her true character...or it could just be something taken completely out of context.) But I do care that she can hardly make her mind up on issues that are extremely important to the American people. And I do worry about the less than legal things she has been believed to do.
The press seems to latch onto the littlest things. Sometimes to the detriment of covering substantive issues.
Always been that way.
Probably always will be...
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