Are you a satellite radio subscriber of Sirius?
XM subscriber?
Soon, these two satellite radio services may be merged.
Sort of like soon all the businesses in America will be owned by:
Is such a satellite radio merger good for subscribers of this sort of media service?
Read the link above.
I wonder what they will call the new company...
Either way, (even though I'm a big anti-trust guy) I'm glad that there will still be a place to listen to radio free from censorship.
Well, let's hope it's free of censorship.
Always a possibility of that creeping in regardless of the medium or means of transmitting the message.
I love my Sirius radio and I think it could be potentially even greater if it does indeed merge with XM?? I just wonder how that will be with there sales? Also, isn't Wal-Mart taking over the planet these days or what? Pretty soon Wal-Mart will be the only store in the world!!!Lol (What a idea, if wal-mart sold Chanel!)
I always want to write it as "Serious" radio.
Thanks, Danielle, for straightening that out for me.
Yes, Wal-Mart is like a big whale swallowing smaller whales.
Bad for America, in my opinion.
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