If you're been reading the Charlotte Observer very long, you've encountered stories or columns by long-time Observer journalist
Tom Sorensen.
I had especially gotten interested in Sorensen after reading one of his columns (about the Carolina Panthers) a few months ago in which he shared that he had cancer. At that time, he called himself "the cancer columnist."
He asserted in that particular column that he could get away with writing a lot of stuff that others couldn't, because he's the cancer columnist.
That aside, read Sorensen if you want the true skinny about the Carolina Panthers. He has a sort of self-deprecating style that immediately appeals to a lot of Observer faithful readers.
So how did Sorenson and Winthrop University students cross paths?We had wanted for several weeks to have Tom as a our special guest at a session of the Winthrop chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists. We actually had him booked a few weeks ago to come to one of our meetings. But then he had to beg off because of undergoing chemo and suffering from lack of energy.
We understood and wished him the best. We still liked him.
Then I had a thought (a scarey thing, I know.)
If Tom couldn't come to Winthrop, we'd come to him.
That's what we did last night at Shoney's at exit 90 on I-77 (Carowinds.) A group of Winthrop students (and Judy Longshaw and her husband), and yours truly shared a few bites with Tom Sorensen. We all swapped lies with one another and had a good time.
I should mention that Tom had just arrived back from Phoenix, Ariz., where he watched and reported on the Panthers crushing of the once-mightly Arizona Cardinals. We appreciated that he could join us and give us some of the stories behind the stories that grace the sports pages of The Observer.
He seems to be feeling well, and we are thankful for that.
Keep writing, Tom Sorensen. You've got a gift--for covering sports and for inspiring others.
Did I mention that he's working on a book? Bet it will be an engaging read.
(Thanks to Kathleen Brown and Judy Longshaw for snapping the pictures that accompany this blog post.)